Healthy Food and Positive Vibes


My Interview with Whatever Is Good for the Soul
I am more than excited for today's post, as I had the honor to be interviewed by the wonderful minds behind I feel a personal bond to Whatever is Good for the Soul, because this site strives for goals which are similar to those on Pure Power Panda. I got to answer exciting questions about my work and my believes and I think this interview makes a great addition to my "About Me" section – click here to read it. Besides me, three other "spiritually awaken, modern day women" were interviewed, so definitely check those out while you there.

Über den heutigen Beitrag freue ich mich ganz besonders viel, denn der australische Blog hat mich über meine Tätigkeit als Bloggerin interviewt. Für mich ist das ein riesiges Kompliment, zumal Whatever is Good for the Soul Ziele anstrebt, die denen auf Pure Power Panda sehr ähnlich sind. Die spannenden Fragen und meine Antworten dazu könnt ihr hier lesen. Das Interview gibt es nur auf Englisch – wenn notwendig, übersetze ich es allerdings auch gerne für euch. Schreibt mir einfach in die Kommentare. Ich bin jedenfalls mit dem Interview sehr zufrieden und sehe es als eine gelungene Ergänzung zu meinem "About Me" Abschnitt. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch auch. Übrigens wurden neben mir noch drei weitere Frauen interviewt, also unbedingt mal vorbeischauen!

Cat Lover & internet blogger: Veronica Graetz

Meet an internet blogging, cat loving, healthy living soul. Today we reached into the mind of the owner of Pure Power Panda, Veronica. Veronica is a journalist with a passion for healthy food, fitness and cosmetics. She believes in the power of a positive attitude and considers life as a journey, on which we should constantly work on ourselves.

Where are you from?

I was born in Bavaria in Germany and spend all of my childhood there. As a teenager I moved to the U.S. and later to Berlin, Sweden and Austria. Now I live in Munich, Germany with my fiancé and our maine coon cat Clarence.

How do you try and live a zen and balanced lifestyle?

I focus on treating my body with respect by eating healthy and working out on a regular basis. There's no doubt a healthy mind lives in a healthy body and whenever I make my physical and emotional wellbeing a priority, I feel so much more in balance, clear-minded, creative and happy. I'll usually make myself a green smoothie with superfoods each day and I try to work on my fitness two to three days out of the week. If I'm too lazy to hit the gym, I'll at least do a workout at home with a DVD. My current favorite is Yoga Inferno by Jillian Michaels.

Tell us about your blog?

No matter if you are 15 or 50, you can make the choice to live a healthier and happier life. With Pure Power Panda I want to guide people on this journey and provide them with knowledge, motivation and tips on eating healthy, working out, enhancing their natural beauty and adapting a positive attitude towards life. To me Pure Power Panda is more than a blog, it's a lifestyle guide, a personal journey and a community for people who want to become their best, most beautiful version of themselves.

What made you want to get into blogging?

I actually did my Bachelor in Geography, but writing has always been a passion of mine. I just didn't think I was good at it. Nonetheless, I gave my passion a chance and got a degree in Journalism. After an internship at a German online magazine, I finally realized that I am not as bad at writing as I thought.

However, I didn't want to work for a typical magazine, as I find their way of communication to be one-sided. You get to read the tips of experts, but you know next to nothing about this person. At the same time, as a writer, I want to hear from my readers, get their feedback and learn from their experiences too. Therefore I felt like there was a need for a communicative and personal guide from a real person for real people, whose voices are at all times much appreciated. That's how the idea for Pure Power Panda was born.

How do you think living a balanced and zen lifestyle has helped your business?

Living a balanced life makes me a happier, more optimistic and positive person. I think people can read that between the lines and I believe it shows in my videos. Emotions are infectious – spreading joy and optimism around your work is probably the best marketing there is.

What does your soul love?

Being with a person who sees more than the shell, the words and the quirks. The company of my cat. The smell of fresh coffee. An organized home and that feeling after giving my everything at the gym.

What advice would you give someone looking to move into the mind, body & soul revolution?

Your starting point is irrelevant. It does not matter what others think. All it is, is a choice. Make it fun and start little. Don't start by cutting back, but adding in. Add one of hour of sleep every night, one green smoothie a day and one positive thought each morning and see where it takes you.

Head to Veronica’s beautiful blog for advice, guidance and love. We hope you love her as much as we did. Until next time,

- Whatever is good for the soul, x.
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