In today's video I'm sharing my monthly favorites from July and August 2015! All mentioned favorites and links are listed down below.
Im heutigen Video teile ich mit euch meine Favoriten aus den Monaten Juli und August 2015! Alle Produkte und Links findet ihr weiter unten. Das deutsche Video stelle ich für euch die kommenden Tage online.
July & August Favorites 2015
- SMOOTHIE Liquid Energy Smoothie
- MOVIE Earthlings
- BEAUTY Sleek Contouring Kit in Medium & Rituals Shower Gel with Lotus Scent
- FITNESS Fabletics Temeculva Vest & H&M Sports Bra
- BOOK The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PHD & Thomas M. Campbell II, MD
- QUOTE Just because it's not posted on social media doesn't mean it's not happening.
- FOOD 5 Minute Microwave Hummus & Dirty Harry BBQ Sauce
- CLARENCE Almo Nature Pacific Tuna
July & August Favoriten 2015
- SMOOTHIE Liquid Energy Smoothie
- MOVIE Earthlings
- BEAUTY Sleek Contouring Kit in Medium
- FITNESS Fabletics Temeculva Vest & H&M Sport-BH
- BOOK The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PHD & Thomas M. Campbell II, MD
- QUOTE Just because it's not posted on social media doesn't mean it's not happening.
- FOOD 5 Minuten Mikrowllen Hummus & Dirty Harry BBQ Soße
- CLARENCE Almo Nature Pazifik Thunfisch